Sunday, June 9, 2013

Future of Negative Film

Future of Negative film

Lomography based on 3 types of film. 35mm film, 120mm Negative film and instant film. Lomo fans don't bother about Digital cameras. So future of these film matters to everyone who connected with Lomography. Do the film has a bright future ? or film is already history ?

In the beginning of 2012 Kodak filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy and also announced   the discontinuation of its line of professional color reversal films. So you won't see Kodak 35mm film and 120 film after the current stock is gone. Fujifilms hasn't commented on their plans for 35mm film and 120 film but there are rumors their film department still profitable even thought there is a slow decrease in demand. Now Fujifilm have almost monopoly on 35mm market they might keep it alive. Also There are small scale Manufacturers like Ilford, Ferrania, Agfa etc. They will probably keep their production rolling too ( I hope) 

Also There is Lomography Co which sell their own Lomography film. But there is bit of controversy if they have their own factory or they just rebrand film bought from others.  Many believe they just re-brand 120mm film from Lucky (a China based company) and 135mm film from Ferrania ( Made in US or Italy). Check the box to see where film is made. Ferrania's original film making days are long gone so if your box says made in Italy that means you got a film from their last available stock (known as quality film).

But probably the growing interest on Lomography might save the negative film industry from a total collapse. Some still use 35mm film cameras for learning and teaching purposes but only Lomo fans use 120mm and 135mm film anymore. Even if you have film the biggest problem is you can't find many places where they develop these type of film. It's getting really hard to find places which do this and even though there is a grown in lomo camera users it doesn't help in this case a lot. It's getting harder and harder getting your film developed. New Cameras stores or drug stores don't do it and only you can get this done is in places which belongs to old camera owners or fans who try to stay faithful to industry. Maybe it future you will have to do it your self, getting your film developed like in old days.

Anyway Negative film won't die anywhere in near future. There are still manufactures who makes these film and there is a still enough demand to keep it going. Alternative Lomo fans have for this is using an Instant back for your Diana and Holga cameras. Both Fuji and Polaroid keeping the instant film and cameras going so you will able to use to to keep Lomography alive too. But no worries for that. Not yet ! Lets hope it will stay as that.

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